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Livres (Total 18)
1-AIDS and Associated Cancers in Africa,(Author ) Eds Karger Basel,1988,Switzerland
2-Sida,infections à VIH :aspects en zone tropicale (Médecine tropicale) (auteur) Eds Ellipses,Paris,1989
3-The Handbook for AIDS prevention in Africa (Author) Eds FHI,Durham,USA,1990
4-AIDS in Africa (Author) Eds Current Science,Grande Bretagne,1991
5-AIDS:an african perspective (Author) CRC Press,London,1992
6-AIDS and women reproductive health (Author) Ed Plenum Press,New York,1991
7-AIDS in Africa (Editor) Essex M.,Mboup S.,Kalengayi M.,Kanki P Ed. Raven Press,New York,1993
8 - Laga M. , De Cock K. M. , Kaleeba N. , Mboup S. , Tarantola D. HIV/ AIDS in Africa : the second decade and beyond Ed Rapid Science publishers , London , 1997,
9 -AIDS in Africa : second edition(Editor) Essex M.,Mboup S..,Kanki P, Marlink R., Tlou S.D. Ed Kluver Academic /Plenum Publishers, New York,2002